Ignite Funding acts as the loan servicing agent for Trust Deed investments, which includes, among other items, keeping current and accurate records on all loans and borrowers, tracking and processing payments, and if necessary, handling foreclosure proceedings.
The Client Services Department is an intricate part of your experience at Ignite Funding. We opened your account, collected your first investment documentation and now we will be working with you in the future as you select investments. Initially when you began your investment journey with Ignite Funding you worked with a Business Development Executive, which is a fancy title we use for onboarding investors to ensure you understand the investment you embarked in.
Since that time, you have experienced all the benefits of investing with Ignite Funding. Moving forward, our client services department has been added into your investment journey at Ignite Funding. We are here to help you with any questions you may have about your account, investment documentation, and current and future investments. We are here to provide you with the same level of service and information on available investments and we are here to discuss the details of the projects and borrowers. Our dedicated Client Services Representatives are here to ensure that investors can always find the answer or help they are looking for every step of the way.
When you make an investment and have an outstanding item that needs to be returned, we will reach out to you.
When your investment is funded we will send you the supporting documentation that secures your investment.
When an investment pays off, we will reach out to inform you of new investment opportunities.
And sometimes, we will just call to check in and see if there is something we can do better!
As we continue to expand our business you should expect that our team below will grow and change, but as the Chief Compliance Officer of Ignite Funding for nearly 10 years, I can assure you our service levels will not change. We all beat to the same drum, which is why we use one email ( and one phone number (702) 941-7917 to make sure every client receives exceptional services.
Now let’s put a face with the name of who you will be working with and let me introduce you to me and my team.
Client Services Representative
MLD #391471
P: 702.941.7917
Client Services Representative
NMLS #1285002
P: 702.941.7917
Client Services Representative
MLD #80611
P: 702.941.7917
P: 702.941.7901
P: 702.941.7907
Our customer loan services do not stop after you place money on an investment at Ignite Funding. The Ignite Funding Loan Servicing Department will address any questions you may have in relation to monthly interest payments, account statements, and other payment-related matters. Here are a few of the most commonly asked questions that we receive:
Where is the best place to find a notary?
Mailing centers, like UPS or Fed Ex stores, may provide notary services for a small fee, but call to ensure that they are available. Your local bank may also provide notary services, and are often free to account holders.
Online Notarization makes getting a notary easy and is available 24/7 by computer, tablet, or smartphone for a fee. Ignite Funding has worked with the following providers or you can use your own provider. provides investors with an affordable and convenient online notary option. The following link will allow you to upload your document. Once the process is complete the notarized document is forwarded to Ignite Funding by You will not get a copy; however, if you would like a copy you may request one from Ignite Funding. To book an appointment, click here.
According to investopedia ( the following notaries are the best:
How do I make a change to the disbursement of my monthly interest?
If you need to change the account that your monthly interest payments go to, you will need to complete a Disbursement of Monthly Interest Payment Form.
Please note that is this not applicable to IRA accounts, which must be returned to the IRA account per IRS regulations.
Can I transfer my assets?
Ignite Funding performs transfers as a service to investors, but makes no guarantees as to the timing or fulfillment of such requests. Complete the Application for Transfer form and submit to Ignite Funding. The transfer process will begin once all forms are received completed in their entirety along with the required transfer fee and all investor documents are on file.
I am on a tranche loan, but don't fully understand how they work.
You've heard the word, and may even be on a tranche loan, but aren't really sure how it works? Take a look at our Tranche Loan FAQs to get more information.
Ignite Funding, LLC | 6700 Via Austi Parkway, Suite 300, Las Vegas, NV 89119 | P 702.739.9053 | M 702.919.4281 | F 702.922.6700 | NVMBL #311 | AZ CMB-0932150 | Money invested through a mortgage broker is not guaranteed to earn any interest and is not insured. Prior to investing, investors must be provided applicable disclosure documents.
© 2025 Ignite Funding. All rights reserved
Ignite Funding, LLC | 6700 Via Austi Parkway, Suite 300, Las Vegas, NV 89119 | P 702.739.9053 | M 702.919.4281 | F 702.922.6700 | NVMBL #311 | AZ CMB-0932150 | Money invested through a mortgage broker is not guaranteed to earn any interest and is not insured. Prior to investing, investors must be provided applicable disclosure documents.
© 2025 Ignite Funding. All rights reserved