Short Term Investments for Long Term Investors

Have you ever heard of a Trust Deed Note? It's a powerful tool to help you diversify your portfolio while providing passive real estate income. Play the video below to learn how it can help you earn 10-12% returns on your investment.











Short Term Investments for Long Term Investors

Have you ever heard of a Trust Deed Note? It's a powerful tool to help you diversify your portfolio while providing passive real estate income.

Play the video below to learn how it can help you earn 10-12% returns on your investment.












Earn Stable, Passive Income with Real Estate-Backed Investments—Simplified in 8 Easy Steps!

Discover how to build wealth with Trust Deed investments. Download our 8-step guide that helps simplify complex concepts, highlights risk mitigation, and shows you how to earn consistent, real estate-backed returns.

One powerful strategy to take your diversification to the next level

More than just a strategy, diversifying helps you weather an economic storm during and after the storm. The asset classes and your portfolio mix can help safeguard the risk.

100% Collateralized Investments Mean Your Principal is Protected

If you aren't a savvy an investor, let us help you understand what this means. Loans lent out to borrowers are secured by the project it's just the land only, completed land and development, and/or the physical structure and the land. This means the investment you make goes to the progress of the project or to provide bridge financing to the borrower as they seek to refinance with a traditional lender after stabilizing the project. You hold the note as the noteholder on the Trust Deed after the financing is provided to the borrower.

Knowing what you are investing in is important...
Your investment is secured by the asset.
You decide on what project to invest in.
Our underwriting process is meticulous - our track record proves it.
Being in this industry for years has made us the #1 trusted source for lending and investing.
100% on transparency on every investment, even if there is a default.

The 8-Step Ignite Funding Framework

At Ignite Funding we pride ourselves on our transparency. We want to educate you on Trust Deed Investing and believe that once you understand what we do and our process, you will want to be a part of it. Outlined below is our general investment process. Here, you'll be able to go through each step and learn exactly what happens in each stage of your investment journey.

The Process

When banks aren't lending or have exhausted their lending capacity, residential and commercial developers come to Ignite Funding to bridge the gap. This allows Ignite Funding the opportunity to work with quality borrowers and present turn-key real estate 



Borrower Seeks Financing

The Borrower applies for financing at Ignite Funding through one of our Application Forms.



Ignite Evaluates and Underwrites

We evaluate and conduct an underwriting interview with the Borrower. Upon approval we originate the loan to be offered to Investors.



Investor Chooses Available Loans

An Investor chooses from loans that are available at Ignite Funding.



Investor Lends Funds

The Investor lends the funds, representing a percentage of the total loan on the property.



Deed of Trust is Recorded

A Deed of Trust is recorded and lists the Investor(s) and their percentage of ownership in the property.



Investor Receives Monthly Interest

Investor receives monthly interest payments throughout the duration of the loan per specific loan terms.



Investor Receives Principal Payoff

Upon repayment of the loan by the borrower, Investor receives principal payoff in full.



Borrower is Granted Title

The Borrower or subsequent purchaser is granted title to the property when the loan is repaid.

The Process

When banks aren't lending or have exhausted their lending capacity, residential and commercial developers come to Ignite Funding to bridge the gap. This allows Ignite Funding the opportunity to work with quality borrowers and present turn-key real estate



The Borrower Seeks Financing for a Project

The Borrower applies for financing at Ignite Funding through one of our Application Forms.



Ignite Evaluates and Underwrites  Investment

We evaluate and conduct an underwriting interview with the Borrower. Upon approval we originate the loan to be offered to Investors.



Investor Chooses Available Loans

An Investor chooses from loans that are available at Ignite Funding.



The Investor Lends Funds for the investment

The Investor lends the funds, representing a percentage of the total loan on the property.



The Deed of Trust is Recorded with the State

A Deed of Trust is recorded and lists the Investor(s) and their percentage of ownership in the property.



Investor Receives Monthly Interest

Investor receives monthly interest payments throughout the duration of the loan per specific loan terms.



Investor Receives Principal Payoff

Upon repayment of the loan by the borrower, Investor receives principal payoff in full.



The Borrower is Granted Title

The Borrower or subsequent purchaser is granted title to the property when the loan is repaid.

The Process

When banks aren't lending or have exhausted their lending capacity, residential and commercial developers come to Ignite Funding to bridge the gap. This allows Ignite Funding the opportunity to work with quality borrowers and present turn-key real estate 



Borrower Seeks Financing

The Borrower applies for financing at Ignite Funding through our Application Forms.



Ignite Evaluates and Underwrites

An underwriting interview with the Borrower is conducted and project is evaluated. Upon approval, the loan is originated and offered to Investors.



Investor Chooses Available Loans

The Investor chooses from available loans at Ignite Funding.



Investor Lends Funds

The Investor lends the funds, representing a percentage of the total loan on the property.



Deed of Trust is Recorded

A Deed of Trust is recorded and lists the Investor(s) and their percentage of ownership in the property.



Investor Receives Monthly Interest

The Investor receives monthly interest payments throughout the duration of the loan per specific loan terms.



Investor Receives Principal Payoff

Upon repayment of the loan by the borrower, the Investor receives principal payoff in full.



Borrower is Granted Title

The Borrower or subsequent purchaser is granted title to the property when the loan is repaid.

Top 2024 Funded Investments


6325 KB Ash Fork, LLC

A total of $24,000,000 principal balance was funded in eight $3,000,000 tranches, each to fund the ground-up construction of a truck stop in Ash Fork, AZ.
The loan was 100% preleased prior to originating the loan.
Personal guarantees from guarantors with net worth over $200,000,000 total
Low LTV of an advertised amount of 50% but when the project was put under contract, the “real LTV” was 39%.
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6325 KB Ash Fork, LLC

Funded over eight $3,000,000 tranches.

Learn more about how Ash Fork, AZ is doing with their ground up construction of one of the most needed Truck Stops in the area.

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6269 Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC

Ground up construction with a borrower that was going to pay off the loan via a refinance into a traditional loan by the maturity date.
The project was done faster than anticipated (three months instead of the anticipated five months) and under budget ($1,085,000 instead of the $1,400,000 anticipated).
These were classic “production homes” which made the speed and cost of the build fairly predictable, where any “surprises” usually come in the form of positive ones (like under budget and constructed quicker than anticipated).
All guarantors signed full recourse personal guarantees.
The borrowers contributed the land as equity to our loans meaning the loan to cost was low at 65%.
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6269 Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC

The project was done faster than anticipated ...and under budget.

Learn how Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC got funded, completed their project early, and came under budget!

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5645 Yuma Care 2, LLC

The loan was to construct a similar project to one already successfully constructed by the borrower.
The property was presold prior to funding giving the project an ideal exit strategy.
The loan was 100% preleased with an assignment of rents clause allowing us to potentially access cashflow if the borrower defaulted on the loan.
The buyer had a nonrefundable deposit held at escrow prior to originating our loan.
The borrower was the general contractor which lowers the overall cost of the project.
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5645 Yuma Care 2, LLC

Presold prior to funding gives the project an ideal exit strategy.

Learn about how this loan was funded. Prior to funding the property was already presold.

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Top 2024 Funded Investments


6325 KB Ash Fork, LLC

$24,000,000 principal balance funded over eight $3,000,000 tranches to fund the ground up construction of a truck stop in Ash Fork, AZ.
The loan was 100% preleased prior to originating the loan.
Personal guaranties from guarantors with net worths over $200,000,000 total
Low LTV of an advertised amount of 50% but when they put the project under contract the “real LTV” was 39%.
Slide 1

6325 KB Ash Fork, LLC

Funded in eight $3,000,000 tranches each.

Learn more about how Ash Fork, AZ is doing with their ground-up construction of one of the most needed Truck Stops in the area.

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6269 Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC

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6269 Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC

The project was done faster than anticipated ...and under budget.

Learn how Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC got funded, completed their project early, and came under budget!

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Ground up construction with a borrower that was going to pay off the loan via a refinance into a traditional loan by the maturity date.
The project was done faster than anticipated (three months instead of the anticipated five months) and under budget ($1,085,000 instead of the $1,400,000 anticipated).
These were classic “production homes” which made the speed and cost of the build fairly predictable, where any “surprises” usually come in the form of positive ones (like under budget and constructed quicker than anticipated).
All guarantors signed full recourse personal guarantees.
The borrowers contributed the land as equity to our loans meaning the loan to cost was low at 65%.

5645 Yuma Care 2, LLC

Slide 1

5645 Yuma Care 2, LLC

Presold prior to funding gives the project an ideal exit strategy.

Learn about how this loan was funded. Prior to funding the property was already presold.

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The loan was to construct a similar project to one already successfully constructed by the borrower.
The property was presold prior to funding giving the project an ideal exit strategy.
The loan was 100% preleased with an assignment of rents clause allowing us to potentially access cashflow if the borrower defaulted on the loan.
The buyer had a nonrefundable deposit held at escrow prior to originating our loan.
The borrower was the general contractor which lowers the overall cost of the project.

Frequently Asked Questions About Trust Deed Notes

If you still got questions don't worry we got the answers! Check out our most commonly asked questions below! 

Why do borrowers need funds?

Speed and Flexibility. With a growing Investor base, Ignite Funding is capable of raising funds in a short amount of time to finance a variety of real estate projects. As a licensed mortgage broker regulated by the Mortgage Lending Division of the State of Nevada, Ignite Funding has more flexibility in its loan selection process than traditional banking institutions. With the majority of loans being underwritten for 6 to 24 month terms, Borrowers are willing to pay higher rates of interest for short borrowing periods in order to obtain needed financing to acquire or develop real estate projects immediately.

What states does Ignite Funding fund loans?

Ignite Funding primarily invests in real estate projects located in the western United States, but will consider other locations should favorable opportunities emerge.

What is the minimum investment?

Ignite Funding requires a $10,000 minimum investment amount per Trust Deed investment.

How long do most loans last?

Ignite Funding’s loans typically range from 9 to 18 months

When will I receive monthly interest payments?

Interest payments are paid in arrears based on the monthly interest charged for the prior months borrowing activity.

Borrower payments are due to Ignite Funding on the 1st of each month with a 10-day grace period. Once we receive the payment from the Borrower, we clear the funds through our bank and distribute the interest payments directly to the Investors on the 15th of each month, or the business day prior if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday. Interest is charged each month using a 30-day month interest calculation.

How do I receive monthly interest payments?

Borrower payments are due to Ignite Funding on the 1st of each month with typically a 10-day grace period. Once we receive the payment from the Borrower, we clear the funds through our bank and distribute the interest payments directly to the Investors on the 15th of each month, or the business day prior if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday. Interest is charged using a 30-day month interest calculation.

What are the risks associated with investing in Trust Deeds?

When practicing business in a lending environment, default situations do occur, particularly amidst the slowed home sales and credit limitations impacting the present real estate market. As part of its underwriting process, Ignite Funding attempts to determine the feasibility of principal recovery should the Borrower default on a loan. Ignite Funding does not approve loans without clear exit strategies. Ignite Funding is committed to attaining the best possible resolution on behalf of its Investors. Over the past 30 years we have worked very hard in different market conditions to earn a favorable reputation in our industry, and we are confident that Investors will benefit from our experience, resources, and ability to take action on behalf of our Investors. Borrower default may result in a variety of scenarios including, but not limited to, suspension or discontinuance of monthly interest income for Investors, Borrower Bankruptcy, and Investor property ownership through foreclosure. Market conditions at the time of property ownership may result in an inability to sell the property for a significant period of time, and foreclosure expenses and carrying costs associated with property ownership are ultimately the responsibility of Investors. These expenses, as well as the ultimate sale or resolution of the property, may result in a partial or lack of principal return to Investors.

What are the suitability requirements for investors?

Before investing, an investor must verify that they meet one or more of the following financial requirements:

The investor’s household net worth is more than $250,000.00, excluding any equity in any real property used as the investor’s primary residence at the time of the investment; or
The investor’s household net annual income was more than $70,000.00 for each of the previous two tax years and there is a reasonable expectation of attaining or exceeding the same income for the current
The investor must also verify that their total investments in mortgage loans secured by a lien on real property transacted by a mortgage broker or mortgage agent are not valued at more than 50% of the investor’s household net worth or household net annual income, whichever is greater.

If you have any questions regarding any of the issues discussed in this disclosure form, discuss them with your Ignite Funding Investment Agent, lawyer or financial advisor or a trusted friend or family member. No one can guarantee that a particular investment will be risk free, but with information about the specific risks involved, you can take steps to minimize your risk.

What are the type of investment accounts allowed at Ignite Funding?

Individuals: One individual holds property under an “unmarried” status to attest that there is no community property interest or under a “married” status with the accountholder declaring the assets as sole and separate property.

Joint Tenants: Two individuals hold property jointly with rights of survivorship.

Self-Directed IRA: An Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) allows a person to save and invest money for use in retirement while deferring or eliminating taxes on the account’s earnings. A Keogh plan is much like an IRA but is only available for people who are self-employed. IRAs have custodians or trustees, as do Keoghs. Vesting must always be in the name of the custodian or trustee for the benefit of the accountholder. Many traditional IRA custodians do not permit alternative investments such as Trust Deeds. Please consult with your Investment Agent for further assistance.

Pension Plans: These plans invest the retirement funds of their members and take title in the name of the pension plan

Trusts: Investments are held in the name of a family trust, testamentary trust, charitable trust, or an irrevocable trust and are controlled by the trustee, who must be authorized by the trust document to enter into and manage transactions.

Corporation: The purchase of an investment vehicle by a corporation requires corporate authorization. Therefore, bylaws or a corporate resolution authorizing transactions are required.

General Partnership: All partners can bind the partnership and all partners are liable for partnership debts if the partnership itself fails to pay. Title is held in the name of the Partnership.

Limited Liability Company (LLC): Similar to a partnership, only without the personal liability of a general partner. LLCs are composed of “members”, one or more of which is a “managing member” with authority to contractually bind the LLC. Title is held in the name of the LLC.

Limited Partnership: Consists of one general partner and many limited partners. Only the general partner can bind the partnership, and only the general partner is liable for partnership debts if the partnership itself fails to pay. Title is held in the name of the Partnership.

Frequently Asked Questions About Trust Deed Notes

If you still have questions don't worry, we have the answers! Check out our commonly asked questions below! 

Why do borrowers need funds?

Speed and Flexibility. With a growing Investor base, Ignite Funding is capable of raising funds in a short amount of time to finance a variety of real estate projects. As a licensed mortgage broker regulated by the Mortgage Lending Division of the State of Nevada, Ignite Funding has more flexibility in its loan selection process than traditional banking institutions. With the majority of loans being underwritten for 6 to 24 month terms, Borrowers are willing to pay higher rates of interest for short borrowing periods in order to obtain needed financing to acquire or develop real estate projects immediately.

Where does Ignite Funding fund loans?

Ignite Funding primarily invests in real estate projects located in the western United States, but will consider other locations, should favorable opportunities emerge.

What is the minimum investment?

Ignite Funding requires a $10,000 minimum amount per Trust Deed investment.

How long do most loans last?

Ignite Funding’s loans typically range from 9 to 18 months

When will I receive monthly interest payments?

Interest payments are paid in arrears based on the monthly interest charged for the prior months borrowing activity.

Borrower payments are due to Ignite Funding on the 1st of each month with a 10-day grace period. Once we receive the payment from the Borrower, we clear the funds through our bank and distribute the interest payments directly to the Investors on the 15th of each month, or the business day prior if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday. Interest is charged each month using a 30-day month interest calculation.

How do I receive monthly interest payments?

Borrower payments are due to Ignite Funding on the 1st of each month with typically a 10-day grace period. Once we receive the payment from the Borrower, we clear the funds through our bank and distribute the interest payments directly to the Investors on the 15th of each month, or the business day prior if the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday. Interest is charged using a 30-day month interest calculation.

What are the risks associated with investing in Trust Deeds?

When practicing business in a lending environment, default situations do occur, particularly amidst the slowed home sales and credit limitations impacting the present real estate market. As part of its underwriting process, Ignite Funding attempts to determine the feasibility of principal recovery should the Borrower default on a loan. Ignite Funding does not approve loans without clear exit strategies. Ignite Funding is committed to attaining the best possible resolution on behalf of its Investors. Over the past 30 years we have worked very hard in different market conditions to earn a favorable reputation in our industry, and we are confident that Investors will benefit from our experience, resources, and ability to take action on behalf of our Investors. Borrower default may result in a variety of scenarios including, but not limited to, suspension or discontinuance of monthly interest income for Investors, Borrower Bankruptcy, and Investor property ownership through foreclosure. Market conditions at the time of property ownership may result in an inability to sell the property for a significant period of time, and foreclosure expenses and carrying costs associated with property ownership are ultimately the responsibility of Investors. These expenses, as well as the ultimate sale or resolution of the property, may result in a partial or lack of principal return to Investors.

What are the suitability requirements for investors?

Before investing, an investor must verify that they meet one or more of the following financial requirements:

The investor’s household net worth is more than $250,000.00, excluding any equity in any real property used as the investor’s primary residence at the time of the investment; or
The investor’s household net annual income was more than $70,000.00 for each of the previous two tax years and there is a reasonable expectation of attaining or exceeding the same income for the current
The investor must also verify that their total investments in mortgage loans secured by a lien on real property transacted by a mortgage broker or mortgage agent are not valued at more than 50% of the investor’s household net worth or household net annual income, whichever is greater.

If you have any questions regarding any of the issues discussed in this disclosure form, discuss them with your Ignite Funding Investment Agent, lawyer or financial advisor or a trusted friend or family member. No one can guarantee that a particular investment will be risk free, but with information about the specific risks involved, you can take steps to minimize your risk.

What are the type of investment accounts allowed at Ignite Funding?

Individuals: One individual holds property under an “unmarried” status to attest that there is no community property interest or under a “married” status with the accountholder declaring the assets as sole and separate property.

Joint Tenants: Two individuals hold property jointly with rights of survivorship.

Self-Directed IRA: An Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) allows a person to save and invest money for use in retirement while deferring or eliminating taxes on the account’s earnings. A Keogh plan is much like an IRA but is only available for people who are self-employed. IRAs have custodians or trustees, as do Keoghs. Vesting must always be in the name of the custodian or trustee for the benefit of the accountholder. Many traditional IRA custodians do not permit alternative investments such as Trust Deeds. Please consult with your Investment Agent for further assistance.

Pension Plans: These plans invest the retirement funds of their members and take title in the name of the pension plan

Trusts: Investments are held in the name of a family trust, testamentary trust, charitable trust, or an irrevocable trust and are controlled by the trustee, who must be authorized by the trust document to enter into and manage transactions.

Corporation: The purchase of an investment vehicle by a corporation requires corporate authorization. Therefore, bylaws or a corporate resolution authorizing transactions are required.

General Partnership: All partners can bind the partnership and all partners are liable for partnership debts if the partnership itself fails to pay. Title is held in the name of the Partnership.

Limited Liability Company (LLC): Similar to a partnership, only without the personal liability of a general partner. LLCs are composed of “members”, one or more of which is a “managing member” with authority to contractually bind the LLC. Title is held in the name of the LLC.

Limited Partnership: Consists of one general partner and many limited partners. Only the general partner can bind the partnership, and only the general partner is liable for partnership debts if the partnership itself fails to pay. Title is held in the name of the Partnership.

What our clients are saying about us

Taking Your Next Step

Whether it is today, next week, or next month when you are ready to expand your investment portfolio beyond traditional stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, we will be here to educate you on your options. At Ignite Funding we're dedicated to educating and protecting our investors. When market conditions fluctuate, you will be able to rest assured that your real estate investments are protected by collateralized assets, thereby preserving your capital in good times and bad. Have questions?

Schedule your FREE Consultation with one of our licensed Business Development Executives today!

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Want the early scoop on investments? If you're an investor looking to diversify your portfolio sooner than the rest, then get on the text!

Talk It Out

We have more than one person to help you out. And we take pride in being able to have some of the best client services in this industry. Need some help? Let's chat!

Text "WEBSITE" to (702) 919-4281

Taking Your Next Step

Whether it is today, next week, or next month when you are ready to expand your investment portfolio beyond traditional stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, we will be here to educate you on your options. At Ignite Funding we're dedicated to educating and protecting our investors. When market conditions fluctuate, you will be able to rest assured that your real estate investments are protected by collateralized assets, thereby preserving your capital in good times and bad. Have questions?

Schedule your FREE Consultation with one of our licensed Business Development Executives today!

Open An Account

Opening an account is easy as 1-2-3. Once you open you're account you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of seeing your investments grow in real time!

Sign Up for Text Messages

Want the early scoop on investments? If you're an investor looking to diversify your portfolio sooner than the rest, then get on the text!

Talk It Out

We have more than one person to help you out. And we take pride in being able to have some of the best client services in this industry. Need some help? Let's chat!

Investing With Ignite Funding Is NOT Like The Rest... We actually care.

Monthly Wealth meetups

Every month we host a LIVE webinar that helps you understand how Trust Deeds can help you diversify your portfolio!

Free Private consultations

Need to talk to someone? Give us a ring. Schedule a call with one our Brand Ambassador Team members today!

Encrypted Online Resources

Privacy and security is our #1 priority. Your investments are encrypted with 128bit encryption so you know your safe!

Self-Directed Guides

Not a Webinar or Group person? It's all good. Learn from any of our many guides to help you along. Try the Behind The Scenes download!

Business Building

Are you looking to raise more capital? Become a borrower and learn why we underwrite our loans the way we do! Check to see if you qualify!

Wealth & Legacy 

We're all about wealth building and wealth educating. Over 40% of Americans fear they'll outlive their savings. Don't let that be you!

Why Invest in Trust Deeds?

Trust Deed Investing Is For You If You...

Want Higher Returns
Earn 10-12% interest rates that often outperform traditional investments while providing a steady income backed by real estate assets, so that you can grow your wealth confidently with reliable, predictable returns.
Secure your investment with collateralized assets.
Are familiar with your risk tolerance.
Looking for an alternative way to invest discretionary income outside of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
Looking for an alternative way to invest discretionary income outside of traditional stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

Trust Deed Investing Is NOT For You If...

You look at this as a way to risk your savings.
You want to get-rich quick...
You think this just fun and games...
You think you don't have to do any due diligence... 
You don't have at least $10,000 to invest...

Why Invest in Trust Deeds?

Trust Deed Investing Is For You If You...

Want Higher Returns
Earn 10-12% interest rates that often outperform traditional investments while providing a steady income backed by real estate assets, so that you can grow your wealth confidently with reliable, predictable returns.
Secure your investment with collateralized assets.
Are familiar with your risk tolerance.
Looking for an alternative way to invest discretionary income outside of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.
Looking for an alternative way to invest discretionary income outside of traditional stocks, bonds, and mutual funds.

Trust Deed Investing Is NOT For You If...

You look at this as a way to risk your savings
You want to get-rich quick...
You think this just fun and games...
You think you don't have to do any due diligence... 
You don't have at least $10,000 to invest...

Ever Listen to The  Deeds in the Desert  Podcast?

During our DITD Podcast we mention a lot of resources, people, and interview others in the financial world, specifically in the world of Real Estate. Learn how you can be a part of the show! 

Ever Listen to The  Deeds in the Desert  Podcast?

During our DITD Podcast we mention a lot of resources, people, and interview others in the financial world, specifically in the world of Real Estate. Learn how you can be a part of the show! 

Our Client Portal Brings News About Investments, Education, & Communication to the Next Level!

We provide our clients with the best possible service and client communication. That's why we are 5 stars almost everywhere you look online. Most companies out there don't take the time or really care about what you do, they just want your money. Here at Ignite Funding we invest just like you. We vet the borrowers and their projects. We let our clients know everything through our Client Portal. Here individual investors will be able to see how their account is doing through various channels and make decisions based on what they see. 

Visual & Simple

Learn through reading, video, or audio. Every learning material you consume is one step closer to you learning about your available investments.

Up To The Minute LIVE Updates

Our company portal and backend is full of exclusive content. From up to the minute releases to client updates on projects and investments!

Investing With Retirement Funds

Ever heard of an SDIRA? If you haven't then you're missing out on the $23 Trillion of global value that alts bring. Learn about how you an SDIRA can help you today!

Our Client Portal
Brings News About Investments, Education, & Communication to the Next Level!

Visual & Simple

Learn through reading, video, or audio. Every learning material you consume is one step closer to you learning about your available investments.

Up To The Minute LIVE Updates

Our company portal and backend is full of exclusive content. From up to the minute releases to client updates on projects and investments!

Investing With Retirement Funds

Ever heard of an SDIRA? If you haven't then you're missing out on the $23 Trillion of global value that alts bring. Learn about how you an SDIRA can help you today!

Our Client Portal Brings News About Investments, Education, & Communication to the Next Level!

We provide our clients with the best possible service and client communication. That's why we are 5 stars almost everywhere you look online. Most companies out there don't take the time or really care about what you do, they just want your money. Here at Ignite Funding we invest just like you. We vet the borrowers and their projects. We let our clients know everything through our Client Portal. Here individual investors will be able to see how their account is doing through various channels and make decisions based on what they see. 

Our Client Portal
Brings News About Investments, Education, & Communication to the Next Level!

Visual & Simple

Learn through reading, video, or audio. Every learning material you consume is one step closer to you learning about your available investments.

Up To The Minute LIVE Updates

Our company portal and backend is full of exclusive content. From up to the minute releases to client updates on projects and investments!

Investing With Retirement Funds

Ever heard of an SDIRA? If you haven't then you're missing out on the $23 Trillion of global value that alts bring. Learn about how you an SDIRA can help you today!

100% Investor Transparency Pledge

Our Investors are the Life Blood of our business. If we weren't able to help our investors realize their potential we wouldn't be here today. Our #1 commitment is to protect our investors principal investment. Remember 2008? It happened for everyone. And we are determined to never let a situation like that ever affect our investors original investment! Our guarantee to you is that we will always be 100% transparent with every investment with our Exclusive Investor Only "State of The Portfolio" Monthly Breakdown with Pat Vassar!

Learn how To earn Double Digit Returns!

Learn how To earn Double Digit Returns!

Ignite Funding, LLC | 6700 Via Austi Parkway, Suite 300, Las Vegas, NV 89119 | P 702.739.9053 | M 702.919.4281 | F 702.922.6700 | NVMBL #311 | AZ CMB-0932150 | Money invested through a mortgage broker is not guaranteed to earn any interest and is not insured. Prior to investing, investors must be provided applicable disclosure documents.

© 2025 Ignite Funding. All rights reserved

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