
RMB Citrus, LLC | Loan #4068 – FUNDED

Description: First Trust Deed collateralized one fully-developed single family lot (“Lot 9” – 0.35 acres) located in La Quinta, California (approximately 128 miles southeast of Los Angeles, CA and 129 miles northeast of San Diego, CA). Once a citrus grove, the Citrus Club Golf Course was designed by Pete Dye. The community that surrounds the golf course is completely built out with the exception of eight lots, of which the borrower owns five. There are three completed homes on the same cul-de-sac as the subject property. One of the completed homes is currently on the market for sale priced over two million dollars. Loan proceeds will be used for the vertical construction of a four bedroom, three bathroom, 3,600 square foot home.

By |April 10th, 2014|Comments Off on 4.23.14