Funded Investments

historic museum
shopping center

6325 KB Ash Fork, LLC

A total of $24,000,000 principal balance was funded in eight $3,000,000 tranches, each to fund the ground-up construction of a truck stop in Ash Fork, AZ.
The loan was 100% preleased prior to originating the loan.
Personal guarantees from guarantors with net worth over $200,000,000 total
Low LTV of an advertised amount of 50% but when the project was put under contract, the “real LTV” was 39%.
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6325 KB Ash Fork, LLC

Funded over eight $3,000,000 tranches.

Learn more about how Ash Fork, AZ is doing with their ground up construction of one of the most needed Truck Stops in the area.

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6269 Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC

Ground up construction with a borrower that was going to pay off the loan via a refinance into a traditional loan by the maturity date.
The project was done faster than anticipated (three months instead of the anticipated five months) and under budget ($1,085,000 instead of the $1,400,000 anticipated).
These were classic “production homes” which made the speed and cost of the build fairly predictable, where any “surprises” usually come in the form of positive ones (like under budget and constructed quicker than anticipated).
All guarantors signed full recourse personal guarantees.
The borrowers contributed the land as equity to our loans meaning the loan to cost was low at 65%.
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6269 Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC

The project was done faster than anticipated ...and under budget.

Learn how Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC got funded, completed their project early, and came under budget!

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5645 Yuma Care 2, LLC

The loan was to construct a similar project to one already successfully constructed by the borrower.
The property was presold prior to funding giving the project an ideal exit strategy.
The loan was 100% preleased with an assignment of rents clause allowing us to potentially access cashflow if the borrower defaulted on the loan.
The buyer had a nonrefundable deposit held at escrow prior to originating our loan.
The borrower was the general contractor which lowers the overall cost of the project.
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5645 Yuma Care 2, LLC

Presold prior to funding gives the project an ideal exit strategy.

Learn about how this loan was funded. Prior to funding the property was already presold.

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6208 Chicks Dig Scars, LLC

This began as a $4M acquisition loan and then refinanced into a $9.4M Construction loan. This loan is a notable example of how Ignite does “long-term” loans.
This project will ultimately house an Evel Knievel Museum and two other commercial tenants.
The collateral has a value just over double the loan amount.
Borrower was well equipped to oversee this unique project, as they have done many projects similar to this that involve many moving parts and layers of governmental approvals.
This project is in the downtown LV Arts District. This area continues to grow, has strong economic and population metrics, and was within a TID (Tourism Improvement District), all strong indicators of this success.
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6208 Chicks Dig Scars, LLC

Arts District Museum and retail project.

Located in the middle of the downtown LV Arts District, this area continues to grow, with strong economic and population metrics, gave high confidence in this deal.

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4622 GGD Oakdale, LLC

This loan was for 8M to acquire nearly 110,000 sf of retail anchored by Walmart in Gresham, OR.
When purchased, this site was at 27% vacancy and Walmart’s lease was set to expire soon after purchase, allowing our borrower to purchase the property at a significant discount.
Borrower’s existing business relationships helped him to fill the vacant space quickly and negotiate a new 10-year lease with Walmart.
Borrower was able to sell the asset approximately 9 months after funding the loan at an amount well over double our loan amount.
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4622 GGD Oakdale, LLC

$8 M retail anchored by major chain.

Learn more about how this borrower was able to refresh a tried shopping center, keep a major anchor store, bring in new businesses and then sell for a profit.

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Funded Investments

historic museum
shopping center

6325 KB Ash Fork, LLC

A total of $24,000,000 principal balance was funded in eight $3,000,000 tranches, each to fund the ground-up construction of a truck stop in Ash Fork, AZ.
The loan was 100% preleased prior to originating the loan.
Personal guarantees from guarantors with net worth over $200,000,000 total
Low LTV of an advertised amount of 50% but when the project was put under contract, the “real LTV” was 39%.
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6325 KB Ash Fork, LLC

Funded in eight $3,000,000 tranches each.

Learn more about how Ash Fork, AZ is doing with their ground-up construction of one of the most needed Truck Stops in the area.

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6269 Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC

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6269 Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC

The project was done faster than anticipated ...and under budget.

Learn how Keystone Ridge Investments, LLC got funded, completed their project early, and came under budget!

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Ground up construction with a borrower that was going to pay off the loan via a refinance into a traditional loan by the maturity date.
The project was done faster than anticipated (three months instead of the anticipated five months) and under budget ($1,085,000 instead of the $1,400,000 anticipated).
These were classic “production homes” which made the speed and cost of the build fairly predictable, where any “surprises” usually come in the form of positive ones (like under budget and constructed quicker than anticipated).
All guarantors signed full recourse personal guarantees.
The borrowers contributed the land as equity to our loans meaning the loan to cost was low at 65%.

5645 Yuma Care 2, LLC

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5645 Yuma Care 2, LLC

Presold prior to funding gives the project an ideal exit strategy.

Learn about how this loan was funded. Prior to funding the property was already presold.

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The loan was to construct a similar project to one already successfully constructed by the borrower.
The property was presold prior to funding giving the project an ideal exit strategy.
The loan was 100% preleased with an assignment of rents clause allowing us to potentially access cashflow if the borrower defaulted on the loan.
The buyer had a nonrefundable deposit held at escrow prior to originating our loan.
The borrower was the general contractor which lowers the overall cost of the project.

6208 Chicks Dig Scars, LLC

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6208 Chicks Dig Scars, LLC

Arts District Museum and retail project.

Located in the middle of the downtown LV Arts District, this area continues to grow, with strong economic and population metrics, gave high confidence in this deal.

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This began as a $4M acquisition loan and then refinanced into a $9.4M Construction loan. This loan is a notable example of how Ignite does “long-term” loans.
This project will ultimately house an Evel Knievel Museum and two other commercial tenants.
The collateral has a value just over double the loan amount
Borrower was well equipped to oversee this unique project, as they have done many projects similar to this that involve many moving parts and layers of governmental approvals.
This project is in the downtown LV Arts District. This area continues to grow, has strong economic and population metrics, and was within a TID (Tourism Improvement District), all strong indicators of this success.

4622 GGD Oakdale, LLC

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4622 GGD Oakdale, LLC

$8 M retail anchored by major chain.

Learn more about how this borrower was able to refresh a tried shopping center, keep a major anchor store, bring in new businesses and then sell for a profit.

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This loan was for 8M to acquire nearly 110,000 sf of retail anchored by Walmart in Gresham, OR.
When purchased, this site was at 27% vacancy and Walmart’s lease was set to expire soon after purchase, allowing our borrower to purchase the property at a significant discount.
Borrower’s existing business relationships helped him to fill the vacant space quickly and negotiate a new 10-year lease with Walmart.
Borrower’s existing business relationships helped him to fill the vacant space quickly and negotiate a new 10-year lease with Walmart.

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Whether it is today, next week, or next month when you are ready to expand your investment portfolio beyond traditional stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, we will be here to educate you on your options. At Ignite Funding we're dedicated to educating and protecting our investors. When market conditions fluctuate, you will be able to rest assured that your real estate investments are protected by collateralized assets, thereby preserving your capital in good times and bad. Have questions?

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Taking Your Next Step

Whether it is today, next week, or next month when you are ready to expand your investment portfolio beyond traditional stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, we will be here to educate you on your options. At Ignite Funding we're dedicated to educating and protecting our investors. When market conditions fluctuate, you will be able to rest assured that your real estate investments are protected by collateralized assets, thereby preserving your capital in good times and bad. Have questions?

Schedule your FREE Consultation with one of our licensed Business Development Executives today!

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Opening an account is easy as 1-2-3. Once you open you're account you'll be able to enjoy the benefits of seeing your investments grow in real time!

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Want the early scoop on investments? If you're an investor looking to diversify your portfolio sooner than the rest, then get on the text!

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We have more than one person to help you out. And we take pride in being able to have some of the best client services in this industry. Need some help? Let's chat!

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Ignite Funding, LLC | 6700 Via Austi Parkway, Suite 300, Las Vegas, NV 89119 | P 702.739.9053 | M 702.919.4281 | F 702.922.6700 | NVMBL #311 | AZ CMB-0932150 | Money invested through a mortgage broker is not guaranteed to earn any interest and is not insured. Prior to investing, investors must be provided applicable disclosure documents.

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